Thanks to the newly implemented third-generation Nu-Plasma MC-ICPMS with a new LIBS laser system, I was able to date monazite grains with growth zones <10μm using a laser spot size at 5μm. By utilizing the multiple monazite age reference, such as Bananeira, Diamantina, Itambé, Moacyr, and applying the analytical protocols developed back in 2019 September (see the development work), I successfully dated 13 representative monazite-bearing samples, including garnet aplite sill, garnet-cordierite migmatite, and amphibolite-granulite facies metapelites at different structural levels, in the central zone of Damara Orogen.
The results are interesting though quite complex. Monazite seem to preserve a long period of growth (over 100 Myrs), and multiple monazite growth and breakdown took place as response to polyphase metamorphic events in the Damara Orogen. Comments are closed.
Peng Jiang's BlogI am a geologist who loves the macro- and micro-world! I am always seeking connections in between! Archives
March 2022
Cover photo: A field trip to the Death Valley National Park. @ 2018.03