About Me
Aloha! I am a geoscientist with particular interests in microanalysis, mineral micro-geochemistry, rock and ore genesis, and the Earth's dynamics. I am currently an Assistant Faculty Specialist and the Electron Microprobe lab manager in the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa (UHM).
Motivated by my Master's research work on titanite, I have developed very strong interests in microanalysis, accessory minerals, and tectonics behind them. I am a SUPER fan of connecting "micro mineral world" with the "macro geology world", i.e., linking mineral-scale growth with plate-scale petrologic and tectonic processes. I am keen on using petrochronologically significant major and accessory minerals to unravel timescales, physical and chemical condition (P-T-x) changes during mineral growth, to gain insights into magmatic, metamorphic, and hydrothermal processes, and to unravel plate-scale tectonic evolution and the deep Earth's dynamics, via the sophisticated in-situ analytical techniques (Raman, EPMA, LA-MC-ICPMS, SIMS, EBSD, APT, etc.) and the combined thermodynamic-geochemical modeling. I am also interested in applying the experimental mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry to natural samples to more rigorously constrain the geologic processes, and resolve a variety of geological problems. My broad interests in geosciences have allowed me to work on very different research projects in various tectonic settings (from craton, hot orogens, mid-ocean ridges, to hotspots). My most recent research projects focus on 1) method developments on in-situ elemental and isotopic analyses by EPMA and LA-(MC-)ICP-MS; 2) Monazite petrochronology study in Damara Orogen; and 3) Olivine, pyroxene, plagioclase, and spinel geochemistry study in East Pacific Rise (EPR), Juan de Fuca Ridge (JdFR), and Hawaiʻi volcanoes. If you are interested in undergraduate research and/or graduate (master or PhD) opportunities at UHM, or collaborations on some research projects, please feel free to contact me. |
Me at the Great Smoky Mountains @ 2021.06
My Education Background:
A few more shots...
"The world is so large that I wanna see and explore!" (世界那么大,我想去看看!)
Cover photo: A outlook at the Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve, O‘ahu island, Hawaii. @ 2022.11