Finally back to Gainesville! The in-person AGU 2021 held at New Orleans on 12/13-12/17 during the pandemic has been a great challenge but turned out to be very successful! The wise "colored (green, yellow, red) bands" for the badges made the interaction among colleagues much easier. Traditional New Orleans food, classic Jazz, French architecture, all made the trip awesome and unforgettable! I also challenged myself in this AGU meeting by having two presentations, one for my monazite petrochronology work in Damara Orogen (poster) and one for my olivine work in East Pacific Rise (oral, highlighted). There are not as many people stopping by my poster or oral presentation as before due to the pandemic, but the colleagues who attended my presentations did ask great questions and we had nice communications afterwards. These are all so valuable and important for improving my research perspectives. Another big challenge but also a great opportunity and experience for me was to chair an AGU session: "The Dynamics of Magmatic Plumbing Systems". Even though the session was in the mid-afternoon of the last day (12/17, Friday), there were still 20-30 people on site, and over 30 people online. It was really a great experience to handle both online and onsite presentations and questions. There was also a heated discussion after the last talk, lasting over 30mins until the technicians "stopped" us. So grateful for the meeting! Really unforgettable! Go gators!
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Peng Jiang's BlogI am a geologist who loves the macro- and micro-world! I am always seeking connections in between! Archives
March 2022
Cover photo: A field trip to the Death Valley National Park. @ 2018.03